Aromantic Bingo 🎉

Click on the squares that resonate with you. Can you get a Bingo?

Aromantic Bingo
at least 2+ letters of LGBTQIA
still friends with an ex-partner
“you’re basically straight/gay/other”
fwb or grindr hookups
flip-flops on IDing as aro
made parents sad
loves being aro
used to believe everyone’s like this
“i want a relationship” *gets into one* “this sucks actually”
used to identify as bi/pan
chill with romance
aro (free space)
repulsed by romance
marriage is for financial and legal benefits
shamed for enjoying sex
has or wants qpr
had to awkwardly reject friend
life goal: live with best friends
unreasonably sad when friends get into relationships
it’s easier to say asexual sometimes
don’t know when you’re being flirted with
chronically lonely
romance in fiction is boring
only aro person in the squad